Effective techniques to increase the potency in men

For every man, sex life plays a very important role in this. It's the a bed that a lot of them promote self-assessment, in order to try and win the credibility of the women. If men have problems with potency, it immediately affects your mood. It appears to be apathy, depression, avoidance, and he is manifest in the earth.

It is worth to immediately think of recreational activities, such as to increase the output power. This will help you to quickly restore your sexual activity, it will return man to his former strength and vigor.

Your health care diet

Nutrition is an important component of every person's life. It is from this that a person uses depends on the body. There are a number of products, all of which have a negative impact on the power of the male. It is best to minimize the number of your diet, when you need it, and don't give up. To reduce the sexual activity and can be canned, smoked, salted, flour, and aerated waters, containing alcohol, fat, dairy products.

To increase the performance, it is recommended to consume the following:

  • Dark Chocolate – it activates the production of endorphins, making it improves your mood;
  • The fruits of the sea, stimulating the production of male sex hormones;
  • The algae – feeding the body the good and improve the immune system's ability to strengthen the work of the circulatory system;
  • Eggs contain components that standardize the functioning of the brain. It is advantageous for the production of testosterone, enhances physical endurance;
  • Lean fish contain vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids. It increases the production of sperm, restores the sexual attraction.With the power on, when the impotence

Herbal medicine

To increase the strength of the masculine will help you with a variety of herbs. It is very important to get them from the mind, because it's not controlled, and the reception of such tools can lead to serious consequences.

They positively affect the functioning of the whole organism, including the power. The most commonly used herbs:

  1. Hawthorn – grass, standard-setting work of the cardiovascular system. It is to the advantage of the power of the male. Come-the-counter use as a dye and in soups and stews. With regular use, you can greatly improve your libido, ensure that a proper erection.
  2. Ivan-tea – plant, or chemical compound, which contains a large number of minerals and pectin substances, vitamins. Because of this it is turned on, the work of the endocrine system, which boosts the synthesis of testosterone. It is best to use the juice of this herb: 2 tablespoons dry ivan-tea, and a full half pint of boiling water.
  3. Ginseng is the only plant, which increases the male libido, erection, and improves the quality of the sperm. Typically, it is used in the form of a tincture. Also, the ginseng that is present in the composition of many drugs.
  4. Ginkgo biloba – an exotic plant which stimulates the active power. It enters into the composition of various drugs, nourishing your body with oxygen, activates the blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  5. The Croatian city of Dubrovnik – the plant is valuable in a large amount of tannin, which saturate the body the good. They increase the potency, struggling with stagnant phenomena in the pelvis.
  6. The root of calamus increases the potency and stimulates the production of seminal fluid.
  7. Parsley – a salvation that is a gift to all men. It also reduces the level of hormone in the blood, and allowing that the balance is restored.Herbs for the treatment of impotence

Folk remedies

To increase the power-to help you a number of techniques in the use of traditional medicine. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body, stop the development of degenerative processes. It is for this reason that men, and it increases the sex drive, and potency. The most popular recipes are considered to be:

  • The mixture of natural honey and pecans – mix the components in equal proportions and thoroughly, chop them, and then take a spoonful of it every morning for several months.
  • Each and every day, try to consume dairy products;
  • The coffee and the tea, add a small amount of cloves or ginger root;
  • To boost the circulation of blood in to the pelvis and help in the form of the st. john's wort. Take 2 tablespoons of this herb, fill it with one cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for 1 to 2 hours. Take a glass 3 times a day;
  • To increase the power output and of the immune capacity of the body to aid in the extraction turnip greens. Take 4 tablespoons of crushed roots, you must add the same quantity of sugar, and bring to a boil over medium high heat for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once they have cooled down, take about a tablespoon with meals, 3 times a day;
  • Extraction cones of the hops is a tool that is of benefit to the subject. Take a spoonful of the soup, meat, fruits, and fill it with one cup of boiling water. Received, put in the mixture for 5 minutes on the fire. Once they have cooled down, take the medication by one-half of a cup 2 times a day for a month.

Yoga classes

Yoga is a system of exercises designed to reduce stress. While the execution right pos, you will be able to increase your sexual desire and to increase the power output. In the early stages of the best treated by a specialist, who will keep track of what you are doing.

If you do not realize that there is a risk of personal injury. In order to avoid it in the training sessions, to carefully do all of the exercises. Best of all, in advance, to make the pre-race warm-up, and that is to warm up your muscles.

In a regular classroom for kindergarten, you will find the inner peace and harmony, which has a positive effect on the power output.

Execute the following positions:

  • Plow – lie on your back, lift your legs into the posture of it. Carefully place the center of gravity, and then push down on the head. Your hands should be lying on the floor. You will stay in this pose for about 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position. After resting for a little bit of approach, repeated more than 10 times.
  • The Cobra – lie on belly, legs, pull out to the max for the rear. Hands to replace it on my elbows, to the neck, was able to lift a maximum of up to. You should feel the load on your ribs. To hang on to this posture for about a minute, and then relax, and repeat again and again.
  • The bow – lie on your stomach with legs, pull back and lift up so that you can pick up with your hands. Hang on to this posture for about 20 seconds, and then slowly relax. It is important to keep in the back of his fingers.Yoga to increase the power of the


To deal with the evil power is going to help you with a variety of complex physical. With the right approach, and with your help, is able to normalize the circulation of the blood, which has a positive effect on potency and libido.

The more often you do the following exercises:

  1. The rotation of the pelvis – a simple exercise, where you want to get any one fiscal year. With it, you can as well to warm up the muscles of the pelvis. It is also used for normalizing blood circulation. You simply need to run a 40-lap a-side, 40 on the other. This will help you to develop the muscles that take part in sex.
  2. Incline – place your feet shoulder-width apart, then lean the torso in all directions, so if you love to get off the ground. Repeat the approach for the 20-times in 3-to 4-fold. This will help to facilitate the work of the spinal cord, which is a good thing for the movement;
  3. A big step up the exercise, do you need to 30 minutes before exercise. Grab a heavy dumbbell, and then it starts to make attacks with their feet. Do 10 to 15 pieces in each knee.

The medication's impact

If you increase the power you will need, with some urgency, or even the usual precautions do not allow to achieve a good result, it applies to drug drug. It is necessary to consider the fact that they have such a powerful impact on your body, and because of this, you can apply to them is permitted only after consultation with your doctor.

The treatment

A few men and women are faced with a problem, when you are in your life, everything seems to be fine, but the desire to have sex is not. The diagnostic tests did not show anything abnormal in the operation of the organization; however, they are still there. In this case, it is advisable to search for a health care professional. It will gather a thorough medical history, which will help to identify the cause of the low power mode.

Most of the time they lurk:

  1. The monotony of the sexual relationship;
  2. The leader of the party;
  3. The problems at work.
  4. At the stress, that is devouring it;
  5. The oppression on the part of the party;
  6. The unjustified illusions in the bed.

Massage therapy

To increase the power output and the massage. It builds on the output of the net, as well as the circulation of the blood. Massage, especially of the movement has a beneficial effect on stagnation, they will ease the pain and any other discomfort.

The massage is not only a return man to his former force's sexual, but it does not allow for the development of complications, such as inflammation of the prostate gland.

To carry out the it can be the following:

  • Rub it in the palm of your hand to warm them up. Using circular motions, playing with the area between the anus and the eternal love and blessings to you angel. Each and every day, to change the direction of the movement. It is best to work with all 8 of the points of the coccyx.
  • Three of the fingers to practice on the pubic bone) – it speeds up the production of testosterone. Prior to the start of the manipulation, don't forget to warm up your fingers, so as not to give himself the same trouble.
  • Sit on the edge of a chair with one hand, close to the scrotum, the other in a circular motion working on the area beneath it. Repeat the process for as long as 10 minutes.

The special procedures

To increase the power, it will help you with a variety of different procedures that are carried out in the hospital. In general, care professionals send their patients to, in the case of an absence of a positive trend. The most popular methods in the retrieval of male power that are:

  1. Acupressure – the exposure of the acupuncture points of a person. The essence of the technique is the irritation of certain parts of the body of a man. This will start the rebuilding process, it is the circulation of the blood.
  2. A massage from a vacuum – applying device, which fits over the shaft of your penis. After that, the inside of the cavity is closed, it is created by the effect of the vacuum, resulting in a body that affect the pressure. It begins with the acceleration of blood circulation, which provides more frequent an erection that is strong.
  3. Walk-in shower – a procedure that will have a positive impact on the functioning of the entire body. Switching to connect the cold and hot water, vessels dilate and become closer, they fall on the plateau of the phenomenon.
  4. Therapy bath – a method of display, and that it can return the franchise to its inner harmony and get rid of the stress. Also, they are made on the basis of a variety of herbal teas that nourish the body to the good. When you recurring these procedures, you are going to see how the power is greatly improved, and the sexual desire is increased.