Folk remedies, that is used to increase the power of known, effective, use, the rates of the medicinal plants in the form of soups, herbal teas, tinctures. Recipes of traditional medicine and to promote an erection in men before having sex and prolong sexual longevity, which deal with the ages of the difficulties of the greeks.

How to fix the problem
Popular medications in a fast-paced action that will increase the desire of the men who had risen to power, before sex, or up to 3 days before a match:
"A little bit of the hot wine to the power of". A mixture of dried fruits (plums, raisins, dried figs, dried apricots), in equal parts, pour in the red wine that is dry, then add the honey, cloves, and cinnamon to taste, and simmer on medium-low heat. To take in order to raise the fighting spirit before eating, drinking, and having sex with them. The remains of the sauce with a mixture of dried fruit, eaten in very small amounts in the evening before meals.
The juice of the celery. At the root of this plant is lost through a juicer, or grate on the fine grater, squeeze out the liquid through a cheesecloth. To 100 g of juice mixed with milk and honey, and take one to two hours prior to intimacy, and before you eat. A proven way to increase the potency of men.
A blend of essential oils with the honey. A few drops of ginger root, rose, sandalwood essential oils and mix it with a little bit of honey, and take it quickly to the inside, before eating, wash up with warm water. Recommended as an effective method for good output.
"Elixir of passion". 5 to 10 drops of tincture of siberian ginseng, rhodiola rosea, manchurian aralia mixing in a small amount of water, and take a little bit of sex. It improves the circulation of the blood, immediately called the tide of blood into the penis, it increases quickly with the increasing of the body. The drug can be taken every day 30 drops after each meal. It is not recommended for men with high blood pressure.
The nature of your erectile dysfunction is caused by a mechanical shock or a psychological gene of the anxiety disorder. In the first case, that is, it is a violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs, and in the second, the stress, the fear of failure. In each case, subject to the general methods suitable for the recovery of a low-power, gain strength for men and sex drive.
An effective home remedy for the restoring of power is due to the improvement of the circulation of the blood:

- The "ice pack". The frozen particles, and wrapped up in a thick natural fabric, to be applied to the various parts of the body: the head, the chest, the scrotum for 10-15 minutes. It increases the elasticity of blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, increase the output power.
- Mustard on the feet. Moistened in warm water, then apply to the foot-about 15 to 20 minutes. It improves the blood circulation in the lower part of the departments of the body, it causes the tide blood to the organs of the genital system in men, increases the potency.
- The contrast of the treatment of the water. The rotation of the trays with hot and cold water to the pelvic part of the department. It strengthens the walls of the blood vessels of the male genital organs, increase in the output power.
When you are troubleshooting problems with the nervous system, reduce power, and sometimes the best thing you can do is to get a good night's sleep, to relieve nervous tension, or aquatic procedures. Regain your self confidence, relieve stress, and get rid of the fear of failure, to increase the power prior to the start of the meeting, to help around the house, simple folk ways:
- "Blond bath". 50 g of the dried leaves of the bay leaf to a boil in 1 quart of water, add the broth obtained in a warm bath. It relieves stress, and increases strength.
- Bath with pine and online extraction. The needles of the pine tree, the branches, the cones of the pine-trees, fir-trees, pour in the water, and then boiled for half an hour. Infused with the broth for a few hours and it will be added directly to the water to take a shower. It alleviates the fear, and nervous tension.
- Infused with lavender. 1 St. l. from the dried flowers, pour a cup of boiling water, give a set to take it in divided doses throughout the day. To improve the power netagels cases of disorders of sexual psychogenic etiology of the disease.
- Propolis, royal jelly. Product is exclusive to bee-keeping. Because the receipt of means-of-food-to increase the vitality, and give you the courage to improve the power and erection.

The intake of animal protein, seafood, vegetables, and herbs, and sharp, as spicy food is prepared with the help of the chili pepper, will cause the desire to enhance the power output. A strong and tight in the riser is maintained.
To keep up with the man of the age,
For the elderly, there is a natural decrease in the production of testosterone, the libido decreases, the output power is weakened. Stress, poor quality food, bad environment, a healthy lifestyle has led to the fact that the first symptoms of impotence point in more than a half of men, after the age of 45. Moderate exercise, walking, diet – lean red meat, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables and spices you desire-if you sustain an active sex life with men.
The most effective recipes, and folk, to strengthen the health of the men, after 40, without any side effects, and at the first sign of a reduction in power consumption:
Honey. The amplifier of sexual desire is actively promoting the power of the product to the strengthening of the immune system:
- A natural blend of grape, wine, honey, and a little bit of the juice from the aloe vera insist on it for about 2 weeks, then you can add the seeds of a parsley or a celery. Take a spoonful of the soup, then eat two times a day.
- Stir in the honey, the grated ginger, the juice of carrots, in equal amounts. Take it to the throat of a mixture of an after-dinner drink for the receipt of power.
- 500 grams of walnuts, mix it with a cup of honey and half a cup of aloe vera juice, to be taken before eating a spoonful of Nuts, with a honey – failsafe tool of anemia, and problems with the power.
- 30 g of honey with spirulina, take it before meals, for up to 2 weeks to cure the impotence, to enhance the body to get rid of the multitude of diseases.
The bee propolis is used in the treatment of hypertrophy of the prostate gland. The use of the pollen before a meal, it will increase your libido, increase your power, stay active, number of sexual partners, and 60 years of age.
With Shilajit. A Natural anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural substance, which is applied in the integrated system for the treatment of prostate, to increase the power output
- A mixture of honey, at a ratio of 1-to-10, take 15 g's before I eat them.
- Color Shilajit. Taken after meals, several times a day, one teaspoon.
- The contrast of the room with Shilajit.

The winter mushroom. He was a combination of the amino acids, trace elements, and vitamins, increases the potency, beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels:
- A handful of the fresh produce in the winter, the honey pour in the vodka to be able to withstand a couple of weeks off within the low-temperature range. A tincture to get a month, the little neck before you eat it.
- 40 g of the powder of the dried mushrooms and fall asleep in a thermos and pour boiling hot water over night. Take 20 grams of it before a meal, within a period of one month.
- About a dozen strips of winter honey, cover with water and bring to a boil. Take it by the throat before you eat it.
Stinging nettle. The plant, with bright pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens and revitalises the body, increases strength, improves hormone a man:
- 20 g of nettle leaves, pour boiling water, give it rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Take 10 grams before a meal.
- A pound of the crushed roots nettle pour a bottle of vodka and leave in a cool place for a month. They are within the 25 drops in a half-hour before meals, for about two weeks.
A mixture with other herbs. Mix together nettle, spearmint, st. john's wort, clover-also pour in the water, and on the occasion of a few hours. Take it by the throat before eating, 3 to 4 weeks.
Hawthorn. A treasure trove of vitamins, bioflavonoids, substances, substances and unsaturated fatty acids. It is useful to use in order to recover from the erections, increase desire, and the full output:
- The tea, fruit, and inflorescence of hawthorn, each day after a meal.
- Hair. A cup of fruit or flowers of hawthorn, pour in the alcohol, insist month. Take it daily one teaspoon before each meal.

Ever. The most powerful aphrodisiac, "the elixir of love, from scratch". It strengthens the immune system, and improves the erectile function and the output:
- The tincture of the root. A container filled with roots to the edge, thoroughly, pour in the vodka and let it ferment for 2 weeks. Take a spoonful of soup before your meal within a calendar month, you are sure to increase the power output.
- For the vegetable broth. To 100 g of the root-shed half-a-liter of water and insist in a dark room, for a couple of days to simmer over a low heat, then add the honey and cinnamon to taste. Take half a cup after a meal every day for a couple of weeks ago.
To improve the power of the people to use the revenues from onions, garlic, PAStUSIA the handbag, the color of thyme, calamus, ljubileeStOka. Among the multitude of methods and recipes, and without a doubt, you are going to find out exactly what your ideal, one that will allow you to maintain your sexual health and it an impressive power-to-the-age.