Difficulty in bed rarely makes men want to share it with someone, including a doctor. And the answer to the question of how to increase the potential, most find themselves, ignoring the warning that with impotence is better to contact a specialist. The resurgence of interest in natural medicine and alternative medicine has also contributed to the search for alternatives to hospitals. Men are also inspired to experiment with the simplicity of many clinically prescribed procedures. They are easily mastered without the participation of a doctor, and for this there is no need to undergo examinations, embarrassing tests, surveys, surveys to compile anamnesis.

Basic Suggestions
When choosing a method to increase potency at home, keep in mind that folk remedies, physiotherapy and general strengthening measures are well combined. But supplements with medications or drugs among others are usually not. In addition, chemically synthesized foods put a lot of pressure on the digestive system, liver and kidneys.
Do not use more than 3 medications or supplements at the same time. Throughout the treatment period, it is necessary to focus on a healthy lifestyle. Not necessarily expect performance in bed from men who drink more than once a week, lead an inactive lifestyle, although alcohol and the power of self-hypnosis give them self-confidence when communicating with a woman. And most ingredients, medicines, supplements are not combined with alcohol. One thing if a man drinks a few glasses of wine for the holidays, the other is a regular intake of beer, vodka, brandy or whiskey. In the first case, the blood is slightly accelerated, in the second, the processes in the organism begin to function malfunctioning, leading to health problems.
It is better to quit smoking, but there is also the option to only reduce the daily dose by 3-5 cigarettes. There are many myths about this habit, and most are created by the doctor himself. In fact, nicotine only reaches the adrenaline-sensitive receptors in the central nervous system faster than the hormone itself. And adrenaline-free levels in smokers' blood increase. For the core, this is an unintentional combination, if the problem with the erection is vascular - a weakened sexual function begins to malfunction. Moreover, smoking causes a decrease in male androgen production, which has a negative effect on libido. By quitting smoking, you will at least increase your potential by 20%.
Preparing to increase potential
Preparations that help increase potential are synthetic and natural. Due to the high demand for everything that fights weak potential, pharmacies are willing to sell new pharmaceuticals and supplements.
Taking it at the same time is allowed, but any doctor will say that it is better to choose one, the most suitable solution. And it is better to do it not by yourself, but consult a physician.

Male supplements contain natural plant or mineral extracts. They are considered safer in terms of side effects, and for the stomach and liver as well. But they should be discarded if you are allergic to any ingredients or bee products.
- Its preparation, whose plant base is represented by yohimbe extract, ginseng, eurycoma longifolia. They increase attractiveness, improve erectile and semen quality, increase fertility, increase penis size (in an upright position) due to better blood filling. Zinc is also included in the preparation. Based on this mineral, the testicles produce sperm, and the prostate gland produces ejaculation. You should take the capsule, in the morning, on an empty stomach, with 30 days to fully recover.
- Preparations containing the most famous aphrodisiacs in the world - Peruvian ginseng and maca root, ginkgo biloba and fenugreek. Has a pleasant aroma and increases male potency from the first hour after use. It also has anti-cancer properties and improves penis size. For stable results, this product is dripped in 8 drops under the tongue in the morning and evening, washed with the drink of your choice. Additionally, a number of drops should be taken half an hour before intimacy, if successful sex is threatened due to fatigue, past failures or stress of the man.
- A product in a formula whose manufacturer has introduced the amino acid arginine. It stimulates tissue growth in the thymus gland and penis. Larger lifestyles, and not just because of better erections, are important for more unsafe sex representations. In addition to arginine, its preparations include muira puama, tribulus terrestris, eurycoma and Peruvian maca. Herbs have a positive effect on a man's potential and increase endurance by stimulating testosterone production in the body, also improving general tone, and adapting to sex. Course: 2 tablets a day for a month.
It is impossible to buy supplements at stationary pharmacies - they are not supplied there to avoid counterfeiting and too high a price. To purchase, consult the manufacturer's website.

Pharmaceutical drugs
Among the pharmaceuticals to increase potency, the most well-known are based on PDE-5 inhibitors. These compounds help loosen the penis canal. This medicine works perfectly if you take it half an hour before each sexual intercourse. But for continuous use, it is not suitable because of the shortened action (occurs for 6 hours).
For men who want to be ready at any time, it is better to choose another drug of a similar type, which also temporarily helps to increase erection, but at the same time has its own advantages.
Important: everything causes pain in the kidneys from the bloodstream to the small pelvis, vision impairment (especially color perception), redness on the face, decreased blood pressure. Locally, only the ducts that feed the penis can be exposed to the ointment, which is a local circulatory stimulant and contains direct anticoagulants.
To increase male strength, the simplest gymnastics is often enough to warm the pelvic floor muscles and joints. It speeds up blood flow, eliminates congestion and other inactive consequences, strengthens muscles. Start each morning for at least six months with the exercises below.
- Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your palms on the hip joints and perform 15 clockwise and counterclockwise movements of the pelvis.
- Holding your arm by your side, take 25 steps forward. Lift your legs as you step higher, trying to reach with your knees to your chest. You can't turn your back on you.
- Lying on your back on the floor, place your feet on it (let it rest little by little). Stretch your arms along your body and lift your pelvis 8-10 times. Relax and repeat twice more.
You need to do gymnastics all the time. It takes at least 2 weeks to increase the potential even slightly.

Increase potency with folk remedies
The male body not only needs animal protein and fat. Stronger sex tends to ignore fruits and vegetables with vitamins and minerals in their diet. But there is no point in eating meat and milk when there is a shortage of supplies - the components will not be absorbed.
Traditional medicine offers a wide variety of tools to fill this gap. In the recipe deposits, there are many adaptogens that soothe the whole body.
Calamus root is often recommended to chew once a day, half an hour, after eating, cut neatly. You can also pour 10 g of its raw material with 150 ml of alcohol, insist for 3 days in a dark corner, strain and drink 10 drops of tincture three times a day, soluble in water. This course lasts for 3 weeks, after 14 days it is allowed to repeat it.
St. John's wort with parsnips
100 g parsnips and St. John's wort is chopped and boiled in an enamel pot for 7 minutes. Let cool, strain the raw material and take 50 ml after meals three times a day, according to the scheme for 1/1 week.
Berry leaf mixture
20 g of rose hips and 50 g of red rowan berries mixed with 2 tablespoons of nettle leaves and gooseberry leaves taken. All together, boil for 15 minutes in half a liter of water, remove the raw material and drink 0. 5 cups to 4 times during the day, month.
Garlic with honey
Some garlic cloves chopped in a blender, add 500 g of honey, 1 fresh lemon. Mix, cover and leave for a week in a cool, dark place. Take one tablespoon, before each meal, for an extended period of 20 days or more.
Rhodiola rosea dan St. John's wort
One tablespoon of rhodiola root and 10 g of St. John's wort. John is put in a water bath in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes. Cool, strain through a thin cloth and use three times a day, 30 ml each, 1 week for 2 breaks.
This procedure usually refers to a general therapy sequence. It has a positive effect on the entire male body, not just on erectile function. But there is also a separate prostate sequence. This relaxes the lobes with ducts from ejaculatory stagnation, improves blood circulation and spermatogenesis. Prostate massage can be done in the hospital and at home. Men without a partner or wife are advised to use a special masseur.
You can also use a digital rectal massage. But if there is cardiovascular pathology or cervical osteochondrosis that is problematic with stress, it brings more benefits than potential. And it is still better to do it with the participation of a partner or masseur.
Nutritionists recommend multivitamins for all genders and age groups. Today's products are not the same. They grow on pesticides and hormones, contain preservatives and do not meet the body's need for dietary components.
The selection of vitamins is huge. But to improve the sexual condition, emphasis should be placed on complexes containing zinc and selenium. These 2 trace elements are very important for the normal functioning of the testicles and prostate gland, which in turn is important for healthy potential.

Home or hospital condition?
In half of the cases, the cause of impotence is unknown. For those aged 40 and over, it is usually associated with aging and is still unavoidable. No therapy is needed here, and improvements will still be partial. Young patients should go to the hospital, or if there are any other warning signs:
- pain and reduce pain during urination, erection, ejaculation;
- persistent or recurrent pain, heaviness in the groin;
- episodes of temperature rise for no apparent reason;
- blood or pus in urine / semen;
- neoplasms of the perineum, testicles, penis.
To consult a urologist, andrologist or venereologist, you should also make an appointment in the event of a recurrent rash anywhere on the body. Syphilis, papilloma and herpes viruses are most often sexually transmitted and cause premature ejaculation, prostatitis, cancer, infertility. But the focus of their rash is not always on the genitals. Moreover, they can look like various other skin infections, which confuses patients and doctors.
Additional Features
Regular involvement in amateur sports and proper nutrition are also good ways to improve sexual function. There is a lot of zinc and selenium in nuts, liver, legumes, wheat, cabbage. Zinc dominates meat, oatmeal and rice, and selenium dominates chicken eggs, lentils, and corn.